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December, 10 2021 Bilateral meetings with the Heads of Latin American Supreme Audit Institutions as side-events of the XXX General Assembly of OLACEFS

The President of the Corte dei conti, Mr. Guido Carlino, met via videoconference, on the side-lines of the XXX General Assembly of OLACEFS (Latin American and Caribbean Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions) held from 1 to 3 December 2021, the Contralor General (Subrogante) of the Estado of the Republic of Ecuador, Mr. Carlos Alberto Riofrío González and the Contralor General Republic of Peru, Mr. Nelson Shack Yalta, initiating the first bilateral contacts also with the Contralor General de la República of Colombia, Mr. Felipe Córdoba Larrarte.
The aim of the talks was to deepen and consolidate the already excellent relations between the Corte dei conti and the above-mentioned Latin American Supreme Audit Institutions, while at the same time seeking closer cooperation in various fields, firstly, the fight against corruption, an issue on which all the participants agreed on the usefulness of sharing the strategies put in place to combat it.
During the recent G20, the Italian Presidency made the fight against corruption one of its priority objectives, with particular emphasis on modern forms of corruption, which are increasingly linked to economic and organised crime. On the subject, the Corte dei conti and, in general, the Supreme Audit Institutions, play a fundamental role in ensuring the sound management of public resources and, therefore, for the benefit of citizens. And it is for the attainment of this objective that new or further forms of cooperation and agreements among the Supreme Audit Institutions met on this occasion will soon be activated and formalized and, as soon as the pandemic situation makes it possible, also exchanges of visits at both technical and institutional level.
The meetings were also attended by Mr. Mauro Orefice, President of the Chamber for the Performance Audit on the Management of the State Administrations and Head of the International Affairs Office.


December 9, 2021 – “The Future of Anti-Corruption: Innovating Integrity through Technology and Partnerships"

In the occasion of the 2021 International Anti-Corruption Day and in light with the continuous cooperation between INTOSAI and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the Supreme Audit Institution of the United Arab Emirates organized a conference on “The Future of Anti-Corruption: Innovating Integrity through Technology and Partnerships“.
The conference was aimed at stipulating the cooperation between Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), Anticorruption Authorities (ACAs) and the private sector in innovating technology and partnerships and, furthermore, enhancing the ongoing cooperation between INTOSAI and UNODC and contribute to the implementation of the Abu Dhabi Declaration including facilitating the implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) and augmenting the work of the INTOSAI Global Expert Team.
The Italian presentation “A Glimpse into the Experience of SAI Italy; Innovation and Partnerships” pointed out how the Italian SAI audit system represents a fundamental tool to safeguarding national public finances as well as the financial interests of the European Union funds from corruption.
The presentation also affirmed the importance of partnerships and information exchange among, as appropriate, anti-corruption authorities, police, investigative, prosecutorial and judicial authorities to combating corruption.
Finally, it was highlighted how emerging technologies will significantly help SAIs to identify potential risks and fraud cases more easily, perform an oversight action and better recognize weaknesses, inefficiencies and trends to produce high-quality results. The Corte dei conti was represented by Ms. Erika Guerri, Judge of the International Affairs Office.


Cartagena, Colombia, December 1-3, 2021 - XXX General Assembly of OLACEFS

The Corte dei conti, as new associated member of OLACEFS, attended the XXX General Assembly of OLACEFS hosted by the Supreme Audit Institution of Colombia on December 1, 2 and 3.
Supreme Audit Institutions from more than 20 countries and representatives from UN, OCSE, INTOSAI, US Government Accountability Office (GAO) and other international organizations took part in the event.
Participants focused and shared their experiences on artificial intelligence and quantum computing in fiscal control tasks and the management of human rights framework by Supreme Audit Institutions. They discussed on environmental protection, sustainable development goals as well as gender equality and non-discrimination.
On December 2, a working session for technical experts was held and Mr Mauro Orefice participated in the Panel "Articulation with the United Nations for the fulfilment of SDG 16, the UNCAC and the Political Declaration"
The Italian presentation “The Implementation of the Abu Dhabi Declaration - Resolution 8/13 - Co-operation between the Supreme Audit Institutions and the National Anti-corruption Authority " pointed out the fundamental role of the Corte dei conti in deterring and fighting corruption through the synergic action of audit and judicial functions. It was also underlined the importance of cooperation agreement and exchange of information with other national institutions such as the National Anticorruption Authority (ANAC), police and judicial authorities to combating corruption.
Finally, the presentation highlighted the results of the Italian G20 Presidency and how information technologies and culture of legality represent the way forward in counteracting money waste, maladministration and corruptive phenomena.
The Corte dei conti was represented by Mr Mauro Orefice, President of the Central Chamber for the Performance Audit on the Management of the State Administrations and Judge Head of the International Affairs Office, Ms. Erika Guerri, Judge of the International Affairs Office and Ms. Michela Muti, Judge of the Central Chamber for Local Authorities.


November 29-December 3, 2021, 9th International Centre for Environment Audit and Sustainable Development (iCED) International Training Programme on “Introduction to Environmental Auditing”

The Corte dei conti attended the ICED International Training Programme on “Introduction to Environmental Auditing”.
Following the introductory November 29 seminar, on the concept of “Environmental governance”, there were thematic meetings on different innovative audit techniques in environmental matters.
In particular, November 30 session dealt with the “Environmental impact assessment”, while December 1 meeting was about renewable energies and biodiversity. The programme then covered the so-called water audits and, therefore, investigation in waste matters.
The interventions of the participants, representing several countries, have enriched the debate, allowing the promotion of the adaptation of audit models (mainly “real time” ones) to the sustainability goals and to the environmental protection targets set by the international framework.
The Corte dei conti was represented by Mr. Mauro Orefice, Judge Head of the International Affairs Office, by Ms. Erika Guerri, Judge of the International Affairs Office, and by Mr. Andrea Giordano, Judge of the Jurisdictional Chamber for the Emilia-Romagna.


16th November 2021 – VII Meeting of the EUROSAI Working Group on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes

The Corte dei conti, together with the Supreme Audit Institutions of Ukraine (Chair of the Group) and of Albania, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, European Court of Auditors, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Serbia, and Turkey attended the VІІ Meeting of the EUROSAI Working Group on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes on 16th November 2021.
The Working Group´s mission is to coordinate and consolidate efforts of the European Supreme Audit Institutions to help their governments, by means of the audit activity, in the development of effective and efficient tools for prevention and consequences elimination of disasters and catastrophes.
The meeting, which also this year was held online, was an opportunity to take stock of the situation and share updates on the activities conducted both within the group and at the national level.
The Italian Corte dei conti presented a contribution on "Multilevel competencies and Powers. Simplifying without oversimplifying. Some remarks starting from a report of the Italian Corte dei conti on hydrogeological instability". The presentation, based on the Report on "The interventions of the State Administrations for the mitigation of hydrogeological risk" approved by the Central Chamber for the Performance Audit on the Management of the State Administrations with Resolution n. 17 of 18 October 2021, focused on the specific attention given to the sector by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) within the Mission "Green Revolution and Ecological Transition" with regard not only to the allocation of funds but to a governance aimed at simplifying and accelerating the procedures for the implementation of interventions against hydrogeological instability. At the same time, the presentation underlined how a respectful assessment of the complexity of the matter cannot by now disregard the lessons learned from the management of crisis as that pandemic taught.
The Corte dei conti was represented by Mr. Mauro Orefice, President of the United Chambers for Jurisdiction and Judge Head of the International Affairs Office and by Mr. Giulio Stolfi Assistant Prosecutor General at the Regional Prosecutor’s Office for Basilicata Region and member of the Central Chamber for EU and International Affairs.


October 19th and 20th, 2021 – EUROSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing (EWGEA) XIX Annual meeting

The Corte dei conti attended the EWGEA XIX Annual meeting.
An introductory seminar was held on October 19th; it dealt with audit techniques in the matter of “Green transition” (climate, environment, sustainable development and renewable energy sources). During the discussion, such issues were dealt with from a comparative point of view, in an attempt to encourage coordinated audit activities through parallel audits.
On October 20th, at the end of a plenary session, the discussion developed within specific working groups, each coordinated by members of the Supreme Audit Institutions.
The Italian Corte dei conti led the debate in the group on “Energy”, dealing with the international and European regimes on climate change, with the Italian energy policies, and, finally, with the performance audit of the Corte dei conti itself.
The participants discussed on the Corte dei conti decisions, dealing with the issues of incentives for renewable sources, of financial support for the energy upgrading of buildings and of the institutional activity of the G.S.E. (Gestore dei Servizi Energetici, the public company operating in the energy sector).
The Corte dei conti was represented by Ms. Erika Guerri, Judge of the International Affairs Office and by Mr. Andrea Giordano, Judge of the Jurisdictional Chamber for the Emilia-Romagna.


Lisbon, 18th – 21st October 2021 - Forum of Jurisdictional SAIs

The Tribunal de Contas, the Portuguese Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), hosted in Lisbon from 18th to 21st October last the Forum of Jurisdictional SAIs.
The Forum is a project born and developed within the Working Group of INTOSAI on "Value and Benefits of SAIs" and collects, worldwide, numerous Supreme Audit Institutions, united by the same jurisdictional matrix, although with considerable differences.
From the comparison between SAIs with jurisdictional functions and from the deepening of how, in each institution, such functions are fulfilled, derived the necessity to insert in the framework of the INTOSAI "Pronouncements" dedicated principles that, after the proposal by the Forum in 2018, were reflected in 2019 in the INTOSAI-P- 50 "Principles of Jurisdictional Activities of SAIs".
After the approval of INTOSAI-P-50, the activity of the Forum focused on the drafting of guidelines to complement these principles and aimed at framing the specific mandate of the SAIs through precepts or recommendations applicable exclusively to the exercise of their contentious and/or jurisdictional functions. The group then produced the final draft of the "Guidance Pronouncement" (GUID) applicable to the jurisdictional or contentious activities of the Supreme Audit Institutions, which was approved during the Lisbon meeting. Subject of approval also a document in support of the previous one, the so-called "Advocacy Paper", with the aim of helping SAIs to acquire, develop, protect or recover jurisdictional competences and to support the importance of these functions among stakeholders.
During the meeting it was also highlighted how the jurisdictional function of the Supreme Audit Institutions contributes to the fight against fraud and corruption and were presented the experiences of several SAIs who have recently acquired these functions.
The Corte dei conti was represented by Mr. Mauro Orefice, President of the United Chambers for Jurisdiction and Judge Head of the International Affairs Office and Mr. Arturo Iadecola, Deputy Prosecutor of the Office of the Prosecutor General.


September 6 th, 2021 - Webinar on Renewable Energy and Its Audit - INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing

The Corte dei Conti attended the webinar on “Renewable Energy and Its Audit” hosted by the SAI India’s International Centre for Environment Audit and Sustainable Development (iCED).
The first part of the webinar focused on the phenomenon of climate change and on the so-called Sustainable Development Goals, with particular reference to the energy objectives set by the international framework and to the centrality of the renewable energy sector.
In the second part of the seminar, participants discussed audit techniques aimed at the better exploitation and implementation of renewable energy. The debate offered the valuable opportunity for a comparison with the peculiar Indian experience.
The Corte dei conti was represented by Mr. Mauro Orefice, President of the United Chambers for Jurisdiction and Judge Head of the International Affairs Office, by Ms. Erika Guerri, Judge of the International Affairs Office and by Mr. Andrea Giordano, Judge of the Jurisdictional Chamber for the Emilia-Romagna.


July 7 and 8, 2021 - INTOSAI Working Group on Evaluation of Public Policies and Programs

On July 7 and 8, 2021, the INTOSAI Working Group on Evaluation of Public Policies and Programs annual meeting was held via videoconference.
The working group focused on the fundamental role of SAIs in providing advice on public finances and their trajectory as well as evaluations of public policies and their effectiveness.
Participants shared their experiences in auditing, at central and local level, the financial measures linked to COVID-19 and pointed out the importance of a cooperation with other national institutions such as academic and research entities. The efforts made by OECD countries to evaluate their own policy responses to the crisis have also been considered.
Participants also highlighted the great value of citizens and stakeholders involvement in evaluation of public policies.
The Italian presentation underlined how the pandemic deeply impacted on the health care system and the future controls on the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan at central and regional level. In this regard, our representative highlighted the role of Corte dei conti is going to play to ensure the most efficient use of the huge amount of resources allocated.
The Corte dei conti was represented by Mr. Giuseppe Mezzapesa, Judge at Central Chamber for Ex Ante Compliance Audit of the State Administrations


On 28-30 June 2021, the 25th edition of the INTOSAI / UN Symposium took place in virtual format

Since 1971, the UN/INTOSAI Symposia have been held to provide capacity building for SAIs and have contributed to share experiences and information in all fields of public sector auditing.
This year, the Symposium focused on the theme "Working during and after the pandemic: building on the experience of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) for strengthening effective institutions and achieving sustainable societies ".
The symposium was attended by representatives of numerous Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), the United Nations, the ECA, the World Bank, and international institutions.
Participants shared the lessons learned from the pandemic crisis and underlined the importance of cooperation among SAIs to ensure transparency and accountability in Covid-19 responses.
The Corte dei conti actively contributed to the Symposium with a Statement under the sub-theme "Resilient accountability systems and institutions in the aftermath of COVID-19”.
This Statement underlined the importance of the prompt reaction of Supreme Audit Institutions to cope with the crisis and their support to the Governments response mechanisms ensuring transparency, accountability and high standards of integrity.
The Statement also pointed out the different phases of institutional resilience: reactive resilience to mitigate the impact of a shock and recovery resilience to recover from a shock. In this regard, our representative reported the Italian experience of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and highlighted the role of Corte dei conti is going to play to ensure the most efficient use of the huge amount of resources allocated as well as to prevent and combat corruption, fraud, conflicts of interest, etc. Moreover, a positive scenario regarding Italian macroeconomic projections for the next three years have been presented.
The Corte dei conti was represented by Mr. Mauro Orefice, President of the United Chambers for Jurisdiction and Judge Head of the International Affairs Office.


16 - 18 June, 2021 - The twelfth meeting of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group on the Prevention of Corruption

On 17 June, the Corte dei conti participated in the twelfth meeting of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group on the Prevention of Corruption. The Working Group is a subsidiary body of the Conference of the States Parties – COSP – and is responsible for advising and assisting the Conference in regard to preventive measures under chapter II of the Convention against Corruption.
The working theme of the virtual meeting was: “The role of Supreme Audit Institutions in the prevention and fight against corruption”. Participants shared good practices and initiatives in the prevention of corruption. The Italian presentation pointed out the fundamental role of the Corte dei conti in deterring and fighting corruption, both from an ex ante and an ex post perspective as well as the intersections and synergies of audit and judicial functions to guarantee the legality and sound management in the public sector.
The presentation also underlined the cooperation and information exchange among the Corte dei conti and anti-corruption authorities, police, investigative, prosecutorial and judicial authorities as well as the benefits that can derive from this cooperation. In this regard, our representatives bared the case of healthcare corruption linked to a health-care Foundation specialized in rehabilitation. Finally, it has been described the fact that the Corte dei conti is going to play a key role to ensure the most efficient use of the resources allocated by the Recovery Plan.
The Corte dei conti was represented by Mr. Mauro Orefice, President of the United Chambers for Jurisdiction and Judge Head of the International Affairs Office, Ms. Erika Guerri, Judge at the International Affairs Office, Mr. Giacinto Dammicco, Deputy Prosecutor of the Office of the General Prosecutor, and Mr. Arturo Iadecola, Deputy Prosecutor of the Office of the General Prosecutor.

The Corte dei conti acted as reviewer of the "Handbook of Good Practices for the Fight against Corruption

The Corte dei conti is an associate member of the Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS). Even before being part of the OLACEFS, the Corte dei conti has cooperated in particular with the Working Group Specialized in the Fight against Transnational Corruption (GTCT) of OLACEFS acting as the reviewer of its “Handbook of Good Practices to fight corruption” applicable to SAIs in the fight against transnational corruption from the perspective of public audit. The Corte dei conti stressed the importance of carrying out publication of good practices twice a year to monitor progress towards the definition of common procedures based on the initiatives identified.
The Handbook covers four main themes: the enactment of the standards to perform internal control; the promotion of an ethical behavior via Codes of Ethics and Committees; the creation of citizen participation mechanisms and the use of technology. It also includes a section drafted by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) regarding a regional analysis of the international legal instruments and the resolutions that States must follow within the framework of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, clarifying the activities that concern SAIs.
The Handbook is available in its Spanish, Portuguese, English and French versions at the following links:

25-28 May - CATONE Project: fighting against fraud vs. EU budget

CATONE Project (Cooperation Agreements and Training on Objectives and New Experiences) is an event organised by the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Corte dei conti, in partnership with the antifraud committee of the Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, co-financed by OLAF.
It is a four days long event - from 25 to 28 May 2021- which involves members of the Courts of Auditors and judges of Criminal courts from Italy, France, Greece, Portugal and Spain.
The President of the Italian Corte dei conti, Guido Carlino, will hold the Convention’s opening.
Representatives of OLAF, EPPO and judicial police from the aforementioned five Countries are expected to take part to the event.
The whole programme is available at the following link:

April 26-27, 2021 – EUROSAI WGEA Spring Session (virtual) on Waste Management

On April 26-27, the Corte dei conti participated in the two sessions of the EWGEA Spring Session, organized by the EUROSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing.
The sessions covered all the crucial environmental protection and sustainability issues, with a focus on the central role of SAIs in such matters.
More in detail, the sessions dealt with the so-called waste management, which is of central importance today (also in the view of the new waste resulting from Covid-19), and must comply with the principles of prevention, precaution and – increasingly nowadays – of circular economy.
The Corte dei conti was represented by Mr. Mauro Orefice, President of the United Chambers for Jurisdiction and Judge Head of the International Affairs Office, Ms. Erika Guerri, Judge at the International Affairs Office, and Mr. Andrea Giordano, Judge of the Jurisdictional Chamber for the Emilia-Romagna.
The Corte dei conti speech dealt, on the one hand, with Italian waste traceability system and, on the other hand, with the new fund for promoting the waste reduction and for the development of new recycling technologies.
Such speech specifically focused on the criticalities of waste traceability, proposing solutions in the wake of efficiency, and on the need for the allocation of functional funds for proper waste management.

March 18, 2021 - Multilateral seminar «Social Security Audit During the COVID-19 Pandemic»

Preparedness for emergency situations, supporting citizens, supporting regions: these were the three themes debated in the relevant sessions of the Multilateral seminar organized on 18 March last by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation with the participation of the Supreme Audit Institutions Italy and of Brazil, Peru, United Arab Emirates, and with representatives of the Regional Audit Institution of the Russian Tver region and of the Association of the Brazilian Regional Audit Institutions.
The Corte dei conti was represented, for the occasion, by President Mauro Orefice, President of the United Chambers for Jurisdiction, and Judge Head of the International Affairs Office. President Orefice lectured at the first session of the Seminar with a presentation on "Social security and emergency. The Italian challenge".

March 16, 2021 - XI meeting of the EUROSAI Task Force on Audit & Ethics.

On 16 March 2021, the XI meeting of the EUROSAI Task Force on Audit & Ethics (TF A&E) was held, via videoconference, with the participation of the Corte dei conti that has been a member of the Task Force since 2013.
The Task Force has two main goals: to promote ethics as a pillar of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) and to promote ethical conduct in public organisations through the SAIs’ audit activities.
In both these areas of interest, the TF A&E has made comparative analysis on how SAIs deal with ethics, has issued papers listing and studying those practices, has conducted seminars and workshops, has been actively involved in the review of ISSAI 30 and has prepared guidance for SAIs.
The meeting of 16 March has been the occasion to approve the documents and achievements to be presented to the EUROSAI Congress, which will be held on 14th April, including a proposal for the future of the Task Force.
The Corte dei conti was represented by Mr. Mauro Orefice, President of the United Chambers for Jurisdiction and Judge Head of the International Affairs Office, Ms. Erika Guerri, judge at the International Affairs Office.

The Corte dei conti joins, as associate member, the Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS).

To give greater evidence of the close relations that join the Corte dei conti and numerous Supreme Audit Institutions of the Latin American and Caribbean area, the Corte dei conti has asked and promptly obtained to join, as associate member, the Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS).
The OLACEFS is a regional organization of INTOSAI, international, autonomous, independent, apolitical and permanent, with a long tradition dating back to 1963 (since the proposal of establishment of a Latin American Institute of Auditing Sciences -ILACIF- implemented in 1965) and existing under its current title since 1990.
The Corte dei conti has always had privileged bilateral relations with several Supreme Audit Institutions of the Latin America and Caribbean area and has concluded fruitful cooperation agreements with many of them over time.
Recently, a further impetus of cooperation derived from the best practices shared by the Corte dei conti as model organization particularly due to the synergic action of audit and judicial functions living together and to its acknowledged expertise in the fight against corruption. For these reasons Corte dei conti’s request to become associate member of OLACEFS has been welcomed.
As an associate member of OLACEFS, the Corte dei conti is entitled to the speaking right in the technical and administrative plenary sessions of the General Assemblies, as well as in the administrative plenary sessions of the Governing Board. In addition, Article 42 of the Regulations of the OLACEFS Charter sets out that, in the discharge of its duties, OLACEFS members are grouped into Committees (2), Technical Commissions (5) and in Working Groups. Even before being part of the OLACEFS, the Corte dei conti has cooperated in particular with the Working Group Specialized in the Fight against Transnational Corruption (GTCT) acting as the reviewer its Manual “Handbook of Good Practices to fight corruption” applicable to SAIs in the fight against transnational corruption from the perspective of government audit.

Presentation on “Potential of artificial intelligence in preventing corruption” during the “2021 International Integrity eSeminar”

On 25 February 2021 the President Mauro Orefice, President of the United Chambers for Jurisdiction and Judge Head of the International Affairs Office, gave a presentation on "Potential of artificial intelligence in preventing corruption" during a Real Time Workshop which was part of the "2021 International Integrity eSeminar" at whose opening ceremony on 11 February last, participated the President of the Corte dei conti Guido Carlino and the President Mauro Orefice himself.
Among the topics covered in the presentation on "Potential of artificial intelligence in Preventing corruption", the opportunities and limitations of artificial intelligence as support in the fight against corruption. Experiences in the digital transformation in Italy and the project on predictive justice of the Scuola Superiore di Sant'Anna di Pisa were presented as well.

Videocall between the President of the Corte dei conti Mr. Guido Carlino and the President of the Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic, Mr. Miroslav Kala.

On 24 February 2021, the President of the Corte dei conti Mr. Guido Carlino met, via videoconference, the President of the Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic, Mr. Miroslav Kala who will shortly take on the Presidency of the EUROSAI, the European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions.
The videoconference, which mainly dealt with the organization of the forthcoming EUROSAI Congress, was also the occasion for a first meeting between the two Presidents and to confirm and renew the intentions of a friendly and fruitful collaboration within EUROSAI and, bilaterally, between the two Institutions. The meeting was also attended by the President Mauro Orefice, President of the United Chambers for Jurisdiction, and Judge Head of the International Affairs Office.

11 February 2021 - Multilateral Seminar on "Experience of Jurisdictional Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs).

The Corte dei conti took part, via videoconference, in the seminar hosted by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.
Advantages and limitations of jurisdictional SAIs, peculiarities of jurisdictional SAIs’ work during the pandemic, their audit methodology, countering corruption, forms of and subjects to the punishments imposed by jurisdictional SAIs: these are some of the themes discussed during the seminar which has allowed the participants to exchange valuable experience on the organisation of jurisdictional SAIs and on current best practices.
A key point of agreement is the conviction that the jurisdictional functions provide the legislative guarantee of the independence of SAIs by enhancing the effectiveness of the audit function and, at the same time, by promoting transparency.
Particular emphasis was given to the participation of the Italian Corte dei conti, which - together with the SAIs of Spain and Russia - was entrusted with the task of analysing and commenting on the presentations of the other participating SAIs, all linked by the common jurisdictional matrix. The organizers warmly thanked the Italian SAI for the interesting and fruitful debate developed.
The Corte dei conti was represented by Mr. Mauro Orefice, President of the United Chambers for Jurisdiction and Judge Head of the International Affairs Office, Ms. Erika Guerri, judge at the International Affairs Office, Mr. Benedetto Brancoli Busdraghi, judge at the Jurisdictional Chamber for Liguria, and Mr. Andrea Giordano, judge at the Jurisdictional Chamber for Emilia-Romagna.

President Guido Carlino at the “2021 International Integrity e-Seminar”.

Today, 11 February 2021, the President of the Corte dei conti Guido Carlino addressed his greeting message to the participants at the opening Conference of the "2021 International Integrity e-Seminar", organized for the 8th year by the Supreme Audit Institution of Hungary as part of a project aimed at the dissemination of integrity-based culture and sharing knowledge and experience as well as anti-corruption practices.
This year the course will focus on the "Potential of artificial intelligence in the prevention of corruption and the reliability of measuring corruption" and will take place from 11 to 26 February next.
The Corte dei conti, which is strongly committed to the fight against corruption, firmly supports the principle that Supreme Audit Institutions can and should play a key role in this respect, promoting transparency, accountability and integrity as crucial elements for the sound management of public resources.
The greeting address of President Carlino was followed, on the opening day, by a speech by President Mauro Orefice, President of the United Chambers for Jurisdiction and Judge Head of the International Affairs Office.

January 19-20-21, 2021- INTOSAI WGEA Virtual Assembly 2021: “Rethinking for Circular Economy”.

The Corte dei conti joined the INTOSAI WGEA Virtual Assembly 2021 (“Rethinking for Circular Economy”), that took place on January 19-20-21.
The first day of the meeting focused on Circular Economy, with specific reference to the policies and practices of circular economy as well as to the NGO aspect.
The second day covered all the thematic topics of the INTOSAI WGEA Work Plan for 2020-2023. The sessions on plastic waste, climate finance and sustainable transportation provided an overview to the progress of these work packages. The day was highlighted with a panel discussion on these topics and their relationship to SDGs.
The third and the final day had keynote speeches on the Global Sustainable Development report 2019 and on Covid-19 and its effects on our environment. The Corte dei conti was represented by Ms. Erika Guerri, judge at the International Affairs Office, Mr. Benedetto Brancoli Busdraghi, judge at the Jurisdictional Chamber for Liguria, and Mr. Andrea Giordano, judge at the Jurisdictional Chamber for Emilia-Romagna.