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16-20 December 2019 - ABU DABHI - The Italian Corte dei conti partecipate to the UN COSP – International Affairs Office

For the first time, the Corte dei conti participated to the UN COSP, held in Abu Dhabi. It was represented by Mr. Giuseppe Mezzapesa, Counsellor, and Ms. Erika Guerri, Judge at the International Affairs Office. The Italian delegation was headed by representatives of the Ministry of Justice and also composed by representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Interiors and the Italian Anticorruption Authority. The United Nation Convention against Corruption is the only legally binding universal anticorruption instrument and it has been ratified by 186 State parties. It brings together people from Member States, parliaments, inter-governmental organizations, civil society, the private sector and the media. Every two years, the State parties to the Convention meet to review the implementation of the Convention and to discuss how States can better tackle corruption. Among the topics to be dis ecussed at the eighth session: prevention, international cooperation, measurement of corruption (under discussion for the approval is the resolution presented by the Italian government) and asset recovery, as well as the planning for the special session of the General Assembly against corruption to be held in 2021.

14-15 December 2019 - Abu Dhabi,Strengthening Collaboration between Anti-Corruption Authorities (ACAs) and Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) towards Effective Prevention and Detection of Corruption Offences

On December 14 and 15, the meeting “Strengthening Collaboration between Anti-Corruption Authorities (ACAs) and Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) towards Effective Prevention and Detection of Corruption Offences” was held in Abu Dhabi. It was organized by the State Audit Institution of the United Arab Emirates, as a Pre-Event of the Eight Session of the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (COSP) to be held from December 16 to 20.
The meeting highlighted the importance of a close and continuous cooperation between SAIs and ACAs as well as the beneficial effects of it. During the meeting it has been underlined the leading role of SAIs in deterring and fighting corruption; SAIs contribute in fostering transparency, evidencing risk areas, building robust and effective internal controls, specifically aimed at preventing corruption in line with the spirit of the UN COSP.
Participants shared anticorruption strategies and reflected on risk assessments; they dealt with public procurement and public sector employment matters and discussed on future workplans in combatting corruption.
The Italian presentation pointed out the role of the Corte dei conti in deterring and fighting corruption, hence acting both from an ex ante, through preventive and preemptive actions, and an ex post perspective, insisting on every level of the bureaucratic machine (from central government to Regions and local authorities), thanks to the multifaced functions of its audit chambers and its public prosecutors and the judgments of its jurisdictional Chambers. It has been described the fact that the Corte dei conti exerts a diachronic and continuous control over unlawful practices.
In this regard, our representatives bared the case of the Venice lagoon and the unfinished works to protect it from high tides and consequent flooding (e.g. the M.O.S.E.). They showed the results of different audit controls exerted by the Court during the years (the 1983 ex ante audit, declaring the unlawfulness of the concession contract, and the 2009 and 2010 performance audits, criticizing the lack of a complete executive project, the lack of the evaluation of the environmental impact, the structural conflict of interest between the contractor, the uncertainties regarding the final price of the M.O.S.E. and its timing and the permanent conflict of interests between the contractor and the commission for the acceptance of works) and the recent M.O.S.E. of Venice cases (two final judgments), where the representatives of the Veneto region have been condemned by the Court to restore the Region for the damages suffered as a consequence of the ascertained corruption regarding the M.O.S.E.’s public procurement.
The Corte dei conti was represented by Ms. Erika Guerri, Judge of the International Affairs Office, and Mr. Arturo Iadecola, Deputy Prosecutor of the Office of the General Prosecutor.

December 10 - 11, 2019 - Bonn - EUROSAI Task Force Audit & Ethics X meeting

From 10 to 11 December 2019, the Audit & Ethics Task Force X Meeting was held in Bonn hosted by the Bundesrechnungshof, the German Supreme Audit Institution.
The working themes of the meeting were “Support Implementation of ISSAI 30” and “Encourage SAIs to Promote Integrity in Public.”
The meeting, aimed at sharing the experiences of each legal system, focused on relevant issues under an ethical point of view, regarding the autonomy and independence of Supreme Audit Institutions, to the possible internal control systems concerning potential conflicts of interest, to the relevance of training for all the staff and to the role and position of the whistleblowers.
It was also underlined the importance of the constant updating of the code of ethics, taking into account the use of "new technologies," and now it is difficult to identify relevant profiles under an ethical point of view in front of complex issues and different situations, in case for example of "social media."
The Corte dei conti was represented by Mr. Cristian Pettinari, Assistant Prosecutor General, who gave a presentation on “Deontological Rules in Auditing: The Italian Case.”

November 28, 2019, Helsinki, International Seminar “Building Trust – the Role of Supreme Audit Institutions in Ensuring the Reliability of Fiscal Data”

On November 28, 2019, the International Seminar “Building Trust – the Role of Supreme Audit Institutions in Ensuring the Reliability of Fiscal Data” was held in Helsinki, organised by the National Audit Office of Finland in cooperation with Statistics of Finland, organised in the framework of Finland‘s Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The event was attended by the Heads of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of the European Union and the European Court of Auditors as well as other invited guests. The seminar focused on the knowledge base of fiscal policy and addressed the topics of public sector accounting, accountability, fiscal statistics and projections. Among other things, the seminar examined ways to ensure the reliability of fiscal data and the use of fiscal statistics and projections in the planning of fiscal policies and adoption of decisions, when considering the development of public sector accounting standards and reporting practices. The Corte dei conti was represented by Mr. Giuseppe Maria Mezzapesa, Counsellor.

November 21-22, 2019 - Lisbon - EUROSAI-AFROSAI Seminar “Sharing Experiences About Auditing for SDGs - A View from Different Regions”

From 21 to 22 November 2019, the first EUROSAI-AFROSAI Seminar took place in Lisbon with the topic "Sharing experiences about auditing for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - A view from different Regions" was held in Lisbon, hosted by the Tribunal de Contas of Portugal. The Seminar was part of the Memorandum of Understanding recently signed by the regional organizations in which the Supreme Audit Institutions of Europe and Africa are associated.
Italy considers sustainable development a constitutional value and a starting point for public policies and choices; accordingly, it was the first EU country to introduce some equitable and sustainable well-being indicators into its macroeconomic planning documents.
Accordingly, the Corte dei conti, which was represented by Ms Erika Guerri, Judge of the International Affairs Office, is playing a key role in evaluating the government activities concerning the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Thus, the Corte has included the monitoring of public policies in light of their sustainability in the current planning of audit activities, and specific audits have been conducted in connection with Goal no. 1 "No poverty" and Goal no. 4 "Quality education".
During the Seminar there has been the celebration of the 170th anniversary of the Portuguese Tribunal de Contas and the 630 years of the previous Institution, the Casa dos Contos.

November 15, 2019 – Larnaca (Cyprus) – Seminar on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

On November 15, 2019 a one-day training on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was held in Larnaca (Cyprus). A particular emphasis was given to how this legislation was implemented by the Supreme Audit Institutions. The Seminar, hosted by the Audit Office of the Republic of Cyprus, also focused on the various aspects related to data management and storage.
The Corte dei conti was represented by Mr. Cristian Pettinari, Assistant Prosecutor General, who gave the presentation on "The experience of the Italian Corte dei conti in implementing the GDPR" in which the implementation was examined under two different perspectives: an internal one, connected to the storage and management of data by the Court, and the external one, involving third parties to whom personal data are referred.
This framework has also taken into consideration the processing of data by the Corte dei conti, in the twofold function attributed to it by the Constitution. Either these data are relevant to the jurisdiction, for which they hold a specific status set by the GDPR itself, or for those related to the control, peculiar in the substantial aspect deriving from the activity of the Court's report to the legislative assemblies.

November 4-7, 2019 – London – IV Young EUROSAI (YES) Conference “Relevance: Ensuring Supreme Audit Institutions remain relevant in rapidly changing landscapes.”

From 4 to 7 November 2019 the IV Young EUROSAI (YES) Conference was held in London, hosted by the National Audit Office of the United Kingdom. The working theme of the conference was “Relevance: Ensuring supreme audit institutions remain relevant in rapidly changing landscapes.”
The young auditors discussed and showcased how we can make sure our Supreme Audit Institutions continue to have impact and remain relevant and how they could adapt according to their own legislative and operating circumstances in changing and emerging contexts.
The Corte dei conti was represented by Mr. Giulio Stolfi, Assistant Prosecutor General, who gave the presentation “SAIs and Jurisdiction: just a Mediterranean eccentricity?,” with the aim of explaining the key role of Supreme Audit Institutions holding judicial functions in a post-modern future, characterized by constantly changing political, social, environmental, financial, and technological landscapes.

September 23-28, 2019 - Moscow - XXIII International Congress Of Supreme Audit Institution (INCOSAI)

The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation hosted in Moscow from 23 to 28 September the XXIII INCOSAI, the largest international audit Forum.
Delegations from 169 countries took part in the event, being the most representative Congress in the history of INTOSAI in terms of participants. The inauguration ceremony took place on 25 September in the Moscow Manege.
The Corte dei conti participated with a Delegation composed by the President of the Chamber Mr. Mauro Orefice as Head of Delegation, the Deputy Prosecutor Mrs. Alessandra Pomponio, the Deputy Prosecutor Mr. Arturo Iadecola, and the Judge Mrs. Erika Guerri.
The main topics of the Congress were:
Theme I "Information Technologies in Development of Public Administration”
Theme II "Role of Supreme Audit Institutions in the Achievements of National Priorities and Goals”.
During the morning session of September 26, President Orefice, as representative of our Institution with the role of Vice Chair for Theme II, concluded the congress works highlighting the topical nature of the challenges required by new technologies and Big Data and the urgent need to measure as soon as possible the objectives of sustainable development and the instruments to face climate change in order to ensure accountability of governments' policies.
The Agenda of the XXIII INCOSAI included among the various initiatives the Booth of the Knowledge Sharing Committee (KSC) and the Forum of the SAIs with jurisdictional functions with the active participation of the Corte dei conti.
The Congress ended with the signing of the Moscow Declaration which reflects its main outcomes.

September 11, 2019 - Helsinki - Parallel Audit on Medium-term Budgetary Frameworks – Workshop

On September 11, 2019 the workshop on Medium-term Budgetary Frameworks was held in Helsinki, hosted by the National Audit Office of Finland, with the participation of 9 Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs).
The meeting focussed on the analysis of the main challenges in the definition and implementation of effective legal frameworks governing the public finance planning on a multi-annual basis, with a special emphasis on the setting of expenditure ceilings. Moreover, the participants discussed the methodologies and criteria to assess the effectiveness of the budgetary frameworks, with a view to launching a parallel audit, as proposed in the last meeting of the Fiscal Policy Audit Network within the Contact Committee of the Heads of EU Member States SAIs.
The Corte dei conti was represented by Mr Angelo Maria Quaglini, judge of the United Audit Chambers.

September 3-4, 2019 - Helsinki - Workforce 2030 Parallel Audit - Kick-off Meeting

On September 3-4, 2019 the meeting Workforce 2030 Parallel Audit was held in Helsinki, hosted by the National Audit Office of Finland, with the participation of 7 Supreme Audit Institutions. The meeting focussed on the assessment of the changes that will affect in the future the labour market, mainly due to the use of new technologies and to the digitalization, and their impact on the fields of education and vocational training. In this context, the participating Institutions have decided to launch a parallel audit on the strategies which have been defined at national level in these sectors. The Corte dei conti was represented by Mr Angelo Maria Quaglini, judge of the United Audit Chambers, who lectured on “Italy’s Labour Market: Main Trends and Challenges”.

July 22-23, 2019 - New York - Meeting of the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA).

On 22 and 23 July the meeting “Supreme Audit Institutions making a difference: auditing the implementation of the sustainable development goals (SDGS)” was held in New York. It was organized by the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA). The meeting highlighted the distinctive characteristics of auditing the SDGs and how SDG audits can contribute to strengthening SDG implementation through the follow-up and review process. During the first day of the meeting, lessons from the SDG preparedness audits conducted under the programme in over 70 countries were shared. Participants shared innovations and country experiences and reflected on the challenges, opportunities and lessons learned from conducting audits of preparedness for SDG implementation, both in terms of substance and process. The second day of the meeting focused on the way forward. Participants discussed how to move from auditing preparedness to auditing the implementation of selected SDG goals and targets. Participants underlined the importance of a dialogue between SAIs, governments and other stakeholders regarding SDG implementation and the role of SAIs in the realization of the 2030 Agenda. The Corte dei conti was represented by Judge of the International Affairs Office, Mrs Erika Guerri.

July 1- 4, 2019 - Tokyo - Meeting of the INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee and the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation Steering Committee (IDSC)

On July 1-4, 2019 the annual meeting of the INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee and the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation Steering Committee (IDSC) was held in Tokyo, hosted by the Supreme Audit Institution of Japan. During the meeting the participants examined criticalities and elements regarding the professional competence of Supreme Audit Institutions, i.e. working environment, audit standards, performance and capacity. On the last day the “Regional Forum for Capacity Development” was held. During this event the participants discussed further issues and best practices for specific areas of Capacity Building. At the end of the meetings, the participating SAIs affirmed the importance of International standards and cooperation among SAIs. The Corte dei conti was represented by Counsellor Mr. Giuseppe Maria Mezzapesa.

June 27 - 28, 2019 - Warsaw - Meeting of the Contact Committee of the Presidents of the Supreme Audit Institutions of the European Union

On June 27 and 28, 2019, the Meeting of the Contact Committee of the Presidents of the Supreme Audit Institutions of the European Union was held in Warsaw, hosted by the Supreme Audit Institution of Poland. The meeting was focused on the Digital Agenda for Europe with regard to the importance of the accessibility to information as it is fundamental in increasing the accountability and transparency of public institutions and in spreading the knowledge. The participants analysed the potential digitalisation in view of an increasing interaction and cooperation between institutions and communities. They also exchanged their experiences in carrying-out performance audits related to EU and national programmes in the area of e-Government and cybersecurity as well as in EU SAIs’ competence in auditing digitalisation and in using digital resources in audits. The Corte dei conti was represented by the Chief of the Cabinet of the President, Mr Mauro Orefice and by the Assistant Prosecutor General, Mr Giulio Stolfi.

June 7, 2019 - Rome - Study visit to the Corte dei conti Students of the Master in Law and Public Management from the Université Paris-Dauphine and the École Nationale d’Administration

On June 7, 2019, the Court of Audit hosted a visit by students of the Master in Law and Public Management of the University Paris-Dauphine and the École Nationale d’Administration. The President of the Court of Audit Mr. Angelo Buscema welcomed the students and coordinators of the course. He also introduced the speakers: Mr. Ermanno Granelli, President of United Chambers for Audit, Mr. Mauro Orefice, President of United Chambers for jurisdiction, and Mrs. Erika Guerri, Judge at the II Chamber of Appeal. The speakers provided an overview of the structure and functions of the Court of Audit, with insights on the most relevant activities, and answered many questions from the students and coordinators of the Master.

May 20 and 21, 2019 - Vilnius - INTOSAI Working Group on Evaluation of Public Policies and Programs

On May 20 and 21, 2019, the INTOSAI Working Group on Evaluation of Public Policies and Programs was held in Vilnius, hosted by the Supreme Audit Institution of Lithuania. The working group addressed methodological aspects related to the implementation of the INTOSAI GOV 9400 guidelines. In particular: the relations of the Institutions with stakeholders; the need for standardizing the evaluation of public policies; the quality of the assessments; the need for homogeneous audit tools. During the meeting, the Institutions involved exchanged their experiences on specific case studies related to the evaluation of public policies, specifically in the sector of housing programs and policies. The Corte dei conti was represented by the Assistant Prosecutor General Mr. Cristian Pettinari, who presented a report on public policies related to health care building.

May 15-16, 2019 - Washington - Meeting of the INTOSAI Working Group on Financial Modernization and Regulatory Reform

International Affairs Office On May 15 and 16, 2019, the annual meeting of the INTOSAI Working Group on Financial Modernization and Regulatory Reform was held in Washington D.C.. The meeting was hosted by the United States Government Accountability Office, chair of the Working Group, and was attended by the delegations of several Supreme Audit Institutions and by representatives of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and of Financial Stability Board. The delegates of the Supreme Audit Institutions reported on the organization of the financial supervision in their countries and the modernization efforts carried out or currently under way at national level. The Corte dei conti was represented by Ms. Erika Guerri, judge of the International Affairs Office, who presented a paper which, after an overview regarding the European legislation, explained the supervisory role of the Bank of Italy and of the CONSOB (the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa – CONSOB - is the public authority responsible for regulating the Italian financial markets), as well as how the crises of banks and investment companies have been managed at national level over the last few years.

April 8-10, 2019 - Bucharest - The Annual Meeting of the Liaison Officers of the Supreme Audit Institutions of the European Union

International Affairs Office From April 8 to 10, 2019, the Annual Meeting of the Liaison Officers of the Supreme Audit Institutions of the European Union took place in Bucharest. The meeting dealt with the preparation of the next meeting of the Contact Committee of the Heads of the Supreme Audit Institutions of the European Union which, for the current year, will be hosted by Poland, and, moreover, assessed the current activities in this area. The Italian delegation, composed by Mr. Mauro Orefice, President of Chamber, Head of Cabinet and Liaison Officer, and Mr. Giulio Stolfi, Assistant Prosecutor at the Corte dei conti, reported on the work progress status of the activities chaired by the Italian audit institution, regarding: the Expert network on the independent assessment of national public economic policies; the Working Group on preventing and combatting irregularities and fraud and the Core Group 1 of the Value Added Tax Working Group.

April 7-10, 2019 - Shanghai - The Chinese National Audit Office hosted the Sixth Meeting of the Global Audit Leadership Forum (GALF) in Shanghai

International Affairs Office From April 7 to 10, 2019, the Chinese National Audit Office hosted the Sixth Meeting of the Global Audit Leadership Forum (GALF) in Shanghai. The GALF meeting gathers, annually, some of the most representative Supreme Audit Institutions who exchange their points of view on specific issues of topical interest. The 2019 edition of the Forum dealt with “Big-data and Auditing” and “How to Improve Public Accountability through Environmental Auditing”. The Corte dei conti has been represented by Ms. Erika Guerri, judge of the International Affairs Office, who lectured on “The Italian Experience in the Environmental Sector”.

April 2 - 4, 2019 - Bratislava - The Twelfth Meeting of the INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators

From April 2 to 4, 2019 the Twelfth Meeting of the INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators has been hosted by the State Audit Office of Slovakia, in Bratislava. 19 Supreme Audit Institutions and the representatives of some International Organizations attended the Meeting. The latter focused on the activities carried out by the Group during last year, including the drafting of the Guidance on audit of the use and development of key national indicators and of the Guidance on audit of reliability of macroeconomic forecasts. Moreover, the intention of continuing the cooperation of the Group with the OECD has been reaffirmed. The Corte dei conti was represented by Counsellor Giuseppe Maria Mezzapesa, who lectured on "The Recent Developments of KNIs in Italy.

March 27 - 29, 2019 - Budapest - Joint seminar of the European Union Contact Committee Fiscal Policy Audit Network and Europe 2020 Strategy Audit Network

From 27th to 29th March 2019, the joint seminar of the European Union Contact Committee Fiscal Policy Audit Network and Europe 2020 Strategy Audit Network was held in Budapest.
The Seminar, hosted by the State Audit Office of Hungary, dealt with the audit activities in the field of fiscal policy and European economic governance, and with the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth by sharing methodologies and good practices among Supreme Audit Institutions.
The Corte dei conti was represented by Counsellor Giuseppe Maria Mezzapesa, who lectured on “The indicators of the notes to the budget and the measurement of public policies”.

March 10-14, 2019 - Israel - III EUROSAI-ASOSAI Joint Conference

On March 10-14, 2019, the III EUROSAI-ASOSAI Joint Conference was held in Israel hosted by the State Comptroller and Ombudsman, the Israeli Supreme Audit Institution. The theme of the Conference was: "Emerging Issues and Emergency Situations". This central theme encompassed many sub-themes, including preparations for and management of natural disasters, terror attacks and cyber security threats for the Emergency Situations, and challenges of migration and refugees, aging population, SDGs for the Emerging Issues.
The Conference was attended by the representatives of 43 Supreme Audit Institutions and of the IBAN, the International Board of Auditors for NATO.
The Italian delegation, composed by Mr. Mauro Orefice, President of Chamber and Head of Cabinet and Ms. Erika Guerri of the International Affairs Office, lectured on the Italian Experience in Auditing Disasters and Catastrophes, in particular, earthquakes, and the jurisdictional activities related to the use of the allocated public resources.

February 21-23, 2019 - Quito - International Seminar organized by the Contraloria General del Estado of Ecuador

From 21st to 23rd February 2019, an International Seminar organized by the Contraloria General del Estado of Ecuador was held in Quito. The Seminar, which was attended by 13 countries (Argentina, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Honduras, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Uruguay), was aimed at comparing the structures and organizations of Contralorias and Courts of accounts.
The Italian delegation, composed by Mr. Mauro Orefice, President of Chamber and Head of Cabinet and Ms. Erika Guerri of the International Affairs Office, lectured in Sessions "Courts of accounts: European experience" and "Public audit: international norms and procedures".

January 24-25, 2019 - Istanbul – Turkey - III Meeting of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions - INTOSAI Forum of Jurisdictional Supreme Audit Institution

A delegation of the Corte dei conti, composed by the President Mauro Orefice, the Deputy Prosecutor General Alessandra Pomponio and Arturo Iadecola and the Assistant Prosecutor General Erika Guerri, represented the Corte in the 3rd Meeting of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions - INTOSAI Forum of Jurisdictional Supreme Audit Institutions that was held in Istanbul on January 24-25, 2019 and hosted by the Turkish Court of Account.
The delegation made a presentation regarding the “Judicial Activity of the Corte dei conti against Fraud and Corruption.”
The Forum was established in 2015 by the SAIs of 10 countries including our country, and currently it has 30 members. It was established with the aims of enabling sharing and conducting research and cooperation activities among jurisdictional SAIs. Later on, the Forum was recognized as a sub-group of INTOSAI Working Group on the Value and Benefit of Supreme Audit Institutions.
The meeting has been a starting point in order to prepare the INTOSAI General Assembly (INCOSAI) to be held in September this year.